Dry Cracked PawsThe paw pad is covered by thick, leathery skin that allows the dog to sweat. If the pad stays soft and pliable, it will keep from becoming dry and cracked. Cracking can be caused by numerous environmental conditions such as extreme weather, icy-cold conditions, extended periods on cement, humid dry areas, or items that can puncture the pad such as rocks, stickers, or cactus needles. Espree’s Paw Balm can safely be used every day to keep the pads soft. Paw Balm can be used on dry, cracked dog elbows as well.
At The Paw Wash we keep our pups in tip top shape along with a our sanity and full groom options we make sure our paws are pawfecttttttt! We also carry Paw Balm in our store for you to use at home.